Megha's Divorce

It is the worst of times for the tale of this city called Delhi. Akaash and his father are living in the poshest part of the city. His wife left them with their child and moved to the countryside in an attempt to protect him from extreme air pollution choking Delhi. We meet them again in the court, arguing for divorce.
The terms “climate change” and “air pollution” used to be lingo of scientists, environmentalists or policy makers. Now they have become part of every conversation among people. The degradation of air quality and other resources has and is a affecting our daily life, economy, human emotions and even relationships.
Born in Orissa, India, in 1973. The story teller’s films have unique insights drawn from his own life, the metaphorical distance that he has traversed from a small obscure village based in one of the remotest parts of India, to metropolitan cities across the globe.
His first feature film «I am Kalam» has become an iconic film winning 34 international awards along with a national award. His second feature film « Jalpari » (« The Desert Mermaid») received the MIP Junior award at Cannes. He has been honoured «India’s Creative Future in 2007» and got the «Longest Journey Award» from the IIM-B & the British Council.