Special Thanks
Michael Møller (Former under Secretary General of the UN & former UN Director General of the UN Office, Geneva)
Daniel Maselli (DDC/SDC Senior Policy Advisor and Focal Point Climate Change & Environment Network Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Bern)
Antonio Hodgers (President Canton of Geneva)
Roberta Guianeri (Assessor of Tourism Sport and Quality of Life, City of Milan)
Nathalia Scarton (Rio de Janeiro)
Team GAIL (India) Ltd. New Dehli
Simone Cipriani (Founder and Head of Ethic Fashion Initiative EFI/ITC Geneva)
Danilo Santos de Miranda (Regional Director of SESC, Sao Paulo)
Aram Gesar (Founder & CEO of AirGuide Travel Tech & Media Miami)
Valentina Scanziani (Member of Ashoka Italy)
Elena Jachia, Valeria Garibaldi and Frederico Beffa (Fondazione Cariplo, Milan)
Jean Philip De Tender and Giacomo Mazzone (EBU, Geneva)
Maja Carrieri, Sylvie Castonguay and Jonathan Fowler (WMO, Geneva)
Michel Jarraud (Ex Former Secretary General of the WMO, Geneva)
Jean and Therèse Altounian
Laura Revelli Beaumont
Mariachiara De Benedetto
Bruna Cammarano
Sonia Maria Margherita Cantoni
Mita Crosetti
Sixtine Crutchfield
Uyanga Dorjgotov
Oliver T. Ernst
Alberto Fanni and Nicole Mathysen Gerst
Sabrina Herzog de Souza Lima
Patrizia Liberti
Benedetta Lucherini
Cristina Marchetti
Roger Mayou
Juliette Papaloïzos
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi
Igor Valas
Camille Verdier
Gianluca Winkler